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Discharge in the eye

21 14:26:25

I have two other guineas but the one who's four isn't an Abyssinian guinea pig. When I took Tiger to the first vet, they told me he could have respiratory problems. Then the second time I took him they told me he had two weeks of living and said he also has arthritis. So I didn't want to take his word and just found another vet. This vet told me he has allergies. The reason why he said this was because he also has dischage coming from his nose. Anyhow, he still has crust and liquidy stuff coming out of his eyes. I spent over five hundered dollars and I would like to know if I can take the vets word for it. They said the vet had experieces with guineas/exotic animals. So how would I find a decent vetnarian....
Followup To

Question -
My guinea is four years old and had never had a problem in his eyes. He started to have discharge in his right eye and I am very concern. I took him to the vet and they gave me oinment. It looks alot better now but the thing is his left eye is starting to get discharge and crust. I'm afraid he has pneumonia. How can I tell if he's ok or not?

Answer -
if the discahrge is transparent and it is an eldery Abyssinian. it is likely to have cataracts. Other guinea pigs types could also suffer from this. guinea pigs feel no discomfort or pain with this, they just lose their sight. cataracts If the discharge is white, then it is normal. i would take ir back to the vet to be sure. please contact me if you have any further questions. i hope he is ok.

hi juliet
i think you should get other opinion as it could be a respiratory problem or an allergy. if he is not eating then he definetely has a respiratory problem although even if he is eating i would still stay he could have a respiratory problem. i urge you to take him to an experienced vet straight away.