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gp died and need to know why

21 14:24:01

in the early hours my daughter woke me upset that her gp was lay in her cage making horrible noises. i held her in a blanket,all ican describe the noise as a heaving/gagging and she would twitch as if she had stomach cramp.sadly she died within 1/2 a hour. she seemed fine last night and eating/drinking.we are heartbroke and i cant stop thinking was there something we could have done or missed. she was such a angel.

There are a lot of things that can cause seizures and death, but it is really odd for them to occur suddenly. She could have possibly ate something that was poisonous, cedar bedding, paint chips, or something could have got stuck in her throat or digestive tract. Seizures can also be caused by mites, or if she had any sneezing, coughing, or drainage she could have died from an upper respiratory infection or pneumonia. It really sounds like she might have ate something she wan't suppose to, espacially because it was sudden. Also if she was between 4 weeks-4 months it could have been a result of inbreeding, in which she had a hidden clef palet or other genetic defect. It is really hard to tell with out seeing her, but one of the illness mentioned was most likely the cause.