Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > butt dragging

butt dragging

21 14:16:59

We just got a younger male as a companion for our male guinea pig. When they're together, especially out of their cage, the older one drags his butt on the ground. What exactly does that mean? Thanks!!


The butt dragging is normal dominance behavior, he is leaving his scent behind to tell the other one who is in charge. Here is a list of other dominance behavior just to give you an idea on what they are both doing.

Safe, non-combative, dominance behavior

Butt sniffing
Butt nudging
Butt dragging (they are leaving their scent)
Mounting (any which way: rear mount, head mount, side mount, flying leap mount!)
Nose face-offs (higher in the air wins, one must lower their nose to be subservient to the other)
Teeth chattering: a little (signal of dominance)
Raised hackles (hair on the back of the neck and along the spine)

Posturing for possible attack, battle for dominance is escalating, but still safe an nothing to worry about.

Teeth chattering: sustained (signal of anger, aggression, warning)
Nips, light bites, may result in little tufts of fur in their teeth
Wide yawn, but this is no yawn, they are showing their teeth
Snorting (like a strong puff or hiss)

These behaviors may sound serious and they should be monitored VERY CLOSELY, BUT do NOT separate the pigs exhibiting this behavior, yet. This is when the average pet owner loses it and pulls the pig out. Most of the time, this behavior will continue for a while until one backs down.

Take care now and good luck to you,