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Sow and babies

21 14:22:45

Hello Kat
my female guinea pig is getting a bit fat around the sides, I don't think she is pregnant, but I think that might be hope! I took her male baby out at 3 weeks so she shoudn't be pregnant shoud she? Also is it normal for her female babies to still be relying on thier mother because they still have a suckle every now and then and they are now 5 weeks in 3 days, they still seem to follow her around and squeel for thier mum when I take her away for a cuddle or lap time.
Have a merry Christmas and thank you for reading this message thanks again Natalie.

Hello Natalie,

After a sow has a litter, they often get quite round and tend to fill up that extra saggyness with fat. If you took the male out at 3 weeks and she's been around no other males, this is probably all that is happening. However, I recommend double and triple checking the "females" just to make certain they really are. The pups will nurse until separated or until she stops them. If they are becoming too much of a drain for her and she starts looking too thin, separate them from her for about a week (or permanantly if you'd rather) to wean them. If she is still healthy, they are fine to stay with her. She will wean them eventually. I always separate my females so I can't tell you how long it usually takes for mom to wean them, but I know some sows will let them nurse quite a bit longer than others. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you as well.
