Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > fadle


21 14:34:52

I have a guinea pig that is almost 7 years old. She has started to lose weight. Her cage is smellier than usual. I just noticed that her hind area is damp. Can she survive from this?

Hi Alyssa,

I'm really sorry to have to tell you this, but your guinea pig is really old at 7 and is probably just experiencing old age.  She will probably be like anything that is elderly.  She may lose more weight, either quickly or slowly depending on how her own body works.  She is probably not moving around as much as she used to and that is why her bottom is wet (she's not "getting up" to go).  She might be loosing some bladder control.  She is probably feeling a little more stiff when she moves.

The best thing you can do for her is to keep her cage really clean and keeping her comfortable and happy.  Give her extra attention, but just hold her in your lap, don't expect her to be as active as she once might have been. Giving her more vitamin C might help.  Use vitamin C powder (available at health food stores), about 1/16 teaspoon in 32 ounces of water, which is about double the normal dosage.  You can try just giving her additional fresh veggies that are high in vitamin C, but some guinea pigs get diarrhea more easily as they get older, so be careful of giving her too much in the way of fresh greens.

She may live a long time yet, but please be aware that she is feeling her age and be considerate of her and enjoy whatever time she has left.
