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3 weeks old female guinea pig

21 14:38:57

I just got my guinea pig recently, she's called Hope.  She's just 3 weeks old & rather afraid of people, I would like to touch her more often & get aquainted with her, but she runs for cover whenever I am near. She does come out to eat sometimes when I am around though... most of the time she'll only eat when I am not around. Pls help. I want to know how to gain her trust.
Your help is very much appreciated.

Hi Angeline.  Three weeks is young, probably was taken straight from Mom into your home.  Hold her in your hands, and scratch her nose.  Don't chase her around the cage, reach in and try to get her at your first attempt.  She probably doesn't like veggie treats yet, but she soon will.  She'll learn to love you slowly, it will take time.  Be slow and gentle, and hold her several time a day.