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Can Piggys Survive Outdoor

21 14:42:28

My son was playing with his piggie outdoors and stepped away from the playpen for a few minutes (we didn't realize pigs could climb) he must have went into the woods (we have several acres of woods that surround our home) we have searched for the past few days but haven't had any luck.  Is it possible that he could still be alive?  Can they survive outdoors?

How high was the playpen? Cavies really can't climb, but some can jump, but rarely do.

Cavies can survive outdoors, but there are many predators. Fox, coyote, dogs, cats, birds just to name a few and chances are he won't make it.

Put out cardboard boxes around the areas where he escaped, cut a hole in the side and set it upside down, put hay and veggies in it and check back every few hours. If he is still alive he will try to find food and places to hide. If you have a pigloo for him set that out to.

I wish you and your cavy luck!