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% Questions

21 14:08:52


ok I have like 5 questions so I just going to get right to the point :)

1) For some reason Billy loves to dance with me. I will turn on some music and hold him and rock him back and forth and spin around and he just loves it! He will sometimes start to fall asleep. Is there a reason why he would like that or is it just him?

2) I was reading some more about guinea pigs and music and I read they really like it. I came across a statment that said they only like classical music. But Eddie and Billy they will do nothing different if I put on classic music but if I put on up beat music they will popcorn around in their playpen. Chase each other and everything. They love it! Their fav songs are ones by Avril Lavigne. Does that mean those statments are untrue or is it just my guinea pigs?

3) I was watching Eddie run around today and noticed his back end seems really flat looking is it just because he has really lond fur that sticks up and makes the short part look flat or is there some other reason.

4) ok this is a weird question but it has been bugging me forever. Why does Bily drag his butt around on the ground sometimes?

5) My Last Queston. I have to brush Eddie a lot but he is so scared. He will try to run away he will try to bite He sqeaks really loudly but if I don't brush his fur it gets knotty. Help!

Ok I'm done.Sorry for all of the questions all at once. I had them out in the playpen today and all these questions just started coming to mind.


Hi Kelly

Sorry for the delay in my reply, I have had a few things to deal with this weekend.

1. We already know Billy is an individual so I'm sure this is just him but some pigs do love music.

2. Most experts think classical music is better for pigs as it isnt as "loud" and less likely to scare them with their sensitive ears, but there is no rules for this so Avril Lavigne played at a good volume must also be acceptable.

3. I dont think that is anything to worry about, I;m sure its just his fur.

4. He is putting his scent on the floor. Just by the anus is the scent gland.

5. You either need to brush more gently or use a more flexible brush. Some pigs just dont like it.


P.S One of my pigs, Barney died last tuesday so I have a new friend for my remaining pig, Pasi, he is called Jonesey and he is so small!