Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Biting female

Biting female

21 14:08:53

QUESTION: I don't know if you remember but about two weeks ago I asked what to do with two females where one was nipping at the other quite a bit but not biting us. I put them in the cage and they worked out their differences. They were getting along and the older female was very loving to me and the kids. Two days ago that changed. Anytime you go to touch her, she bites hard. She has even drawn blood. I had to take the other female out because she was actually jumping on her and biting her hard. I have no idea what has caused this change in behavior. I don't see where she is scratching a lot so I don't think it is mites. I can't even rub her head with out her biting me. Do you have any idea what may have caused this complete turn around in her behavior? thanks

ANSWER: Hi Michelle

This is most unusual. Can you tell me, when you put your hand in the cage, is she usually sitting anywhere near the food bowl?

If you can answer this we can take it from there and try to find a solution for you.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No she is not sitting anywhere near the food bowl. She usually stays in her house until I put her Timothy Hay in there. I am scared to touch her because it really does hurt when she bites. She was such a fun loving guinea until the last couple of days. I don't know how to clean her cage out now. The cage has a platform and her food bowl is on that. We are trying to pet her when she is in the living area. She also hops around the cage when I go to put her food in there. I am so lost at what to do.

Hi again Michelle

Thanks for the information.

Its most unusual for piggies to bite and they never bite out of aggression.

If I was in your position, the first thing I would do is to take her to a vet and get her teeth checked. Biting sometimes indicates teeth problems even if she is eating ok. Failing that, it may be that something like mites is troubling her skin.

The other possibility is a behaviour issue, but unless you can think of anything drastic that has changed in her environment (apart from the new pig) then I think you should rule out the medical possibilities first.

Keep me posted.
