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Guinea Pig Labor

21 14:12:28

Hi. What are the symptoms of guinea pig labor?

PS My guinea pig is not letting me touch her stomach area is that also a sign of pregnancy?


You'll know she is in labor by the fact it will look like she's almost hiccuping and she'll stick her head between her legs, and attempt to pull out a baby. That'll be the sure signs she is in labor.

Signs that she is close to labor are, unwillingness to move. May just sit near the food bowl, hay and water bottle. The babies becoming more active in their kicking and moving. Mom becoming a little more restless but still not moving more then she has to. Or hiding away in house an refusing to move from there.

The fact that she doesn't let you touch her stomach is a sure sign of pregnancy as she is attempting to protect her young from hard. Now is about the time when you don't want to handle her more then you have to, just to avoid harming the babies.

I hope this helps,
 Good Luck to you,
      Take care now,