Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Allergic to guinea pig

Allergic to guinea pig

21 14:15:09

Hi i'm michelle. well i really want a guinea piog. my friend has one and they are so cool. well i'm alleric to fur. and the hairless are kinda ugly. lol. but are thier any with hair. i am not allergic to hair. so please get back to me soon.


Hi Michelle,

Sorry I am just now getting back to you with an answer.

I am not totally sure if these breeds have hair or if it is actually fur but they call it hair or what. Your best bet is to find a breed of these types of Guinea Pigs and see if you have any allergic reaction to them or not. But everything I find on the fallowing breeds says it is hair but I don't know for sure if it is really fur or hair. The breed that you may want to check out are,

Crowning crest Crowning crest guinea pigs have one hair crown on the crest, or top, of their heads and are a short hair so easier to care for,

Peruvians have silky hair.  It grows to the ground.  It even covers their eyes and must be brushed back, and the hair needs to be trimmed to keep it from getting matted and dirty with food, and going to the bathroom.  

Shaggy shelties also have long hair but not over their faces, so again they need extra grooming and trimmed hair just like the Peruvians.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,