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allergic to timothy hay

21 14:26:16

My roommate and I just got a wonderful piggie named Hamlet. My roommate has had a piggie before and had no issues, but also did not ever use timothy hay. i read it was very important and have been using it and Hamlet is very healthy and happy. However - my roomie is allergic to the hay! She cannot get anywhere near Hamlet or his cage without having a violent allergic attack. Any alternatives to the timothy hay?

Hi Elizabeth,

A lot of guinea pig carers have allergies to hay, piggie urine and even piggie hair, yet they do find ways of coping with these.

Some use medication - has your roomie tried Piriton, Clarityn or Benadryl? If she uses it regularly, say each day when she gets up before she goes in the room the pigs are in, that may hold off the worst of the reaction.

If the reaction is a skin rash, she can wear a long sleeved t-shirt and gloves and just pet him on her lap.

If you wanted to try changing the hay, there are plenty of alternatives. All these are good grass hays which are great for piggies:


I hope these suggestions help. Just a thought, I know you didn't ask for advice about it, but I really feel Hamlet will enjoy a piggie friend. Guinea pigs are very social aniamls and can really thrive when in the company of their own kind. Human company is excellent but no subsitute for the company of another guinea pig. It's worth thinking about looking in shelters and rescues for any males (aged over 1 year old if Hamlet is under 8 months) or spayed ladies. Two boys will usually get on just fine if they have a great cage space ( and their own hidey and food zones in case they need them.

Best Wishes,

- Laura