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Bathing and babies

21 14:47:38

Hi Lois,
   I am so glad to have found you!  I am 52 years old and just recently discovered the joy of guinea pigs.  I now have 2-Rosie and Raisan.  I had recently bought a third pig, little Rumor, who was about 5 months old, but lost her to pnemonia.  Apparently she had it when I purchased her.  I took her to the vet and did everything in my power to save her.  I was devastated over her loss.  I want to get another little girl but am now afraid of pet shops.  Would you know of anyone in the St Louis, MO area that breeds guinea pigs?  I would love another young one and a girl ( I have all girls) and I do not care what color or breed.
  Also my Rosie is a pig with the rosette type hair.  I have noticed a urine smell in the hair which I know comes from her wetting in her igloo. I clean their cage daily and use the Care Fresh bedding. I am afraid to give her a water bath and wondered if there was a waterless shampoo that is safe? Raisan is smell free but is also alittle cleaner in her house :).
  It is so nice to know I have someone who can help me out. I needed advice when caring for my Rumor because I wanted so badly to save her. Just having another pig lover to talk to would have been so helpful at that stressful time. Is there any book you can recommend on care that I should read?
Thank you


      You can get me on my regular e-mail   it is my number is 856-596=1533. Yoi can use baby wipes for the pigs with aloe.  The best bedding is Hunt Club from Agway Stores.    I will try to get yoi a breeder as I know a few in that area.  Contact me in a few days to get the e-mails
