Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Large lump under chin

Large lump under chin

21 14:07:16

Hi there,
I rescued a young gp today who has a lump the size of a large grape right under his bottom lip on his throat. Though he seems to be fine, and when I feel the lump it doesnt cause him any pain, he was going to be put down or sent back to his breeder. I have yet to see him eat (then again i've only had him for a few hours) but I am sure this is causing him some discomfort.
What are the chances that this could be cancerous?


Hi Jessica,

I'd say not particularly high if he's young ... but it is possible. Just like humans, there's a number of reasons that guinea pigs can develop lumps and bumps. Most are nothing to worry about, but some unfortunately mean bad news.

Try feeding him easy-to-go-down foods such as cucumber, and take him to a specialist small animal or exotic pet vet, who will be able to give him a full examine and shed some light on the matter.

Good luck and best wishes,
