Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 4 month old piggy

4 month old piggy

21 14:18:22

Irecently asked another expert a question about my piggy who is a 4 month old male. He constantly keeps mounting my other male 8 month old piggy. The thing is the older one is getting very fed up with this and never gets a minutes peace, he has started to bite the younger one. They used to get one very well and still do apart from this situation. Can you give me some advice of what I can do.  Thankyou.Patricia.

Hello Patricia,

Your 4 month old is maturing and becoming a "teenager". As matures he will be a bit obnoxious. He will grow out of this and as long as neither is actually being injured (no blood), they will likely be ok. Right now the older piggy is just disciplining him and it likely isn't a real problem aside from him being a bit irritated. It's part of the normal process of growing up. Aside from seperating them, you  pretty much just have to grin and bear it. Adding another hidey or 2 to their cage may help some though. Good luck!
