Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > eczema-type rash

eczema-type rash

21 14:18:21

Hey, jules- I have a female guinea pig w/ a horroble eczema-type rash. It may be mites- we use pine shavings. We've had her afew years & never had trouble & my other pig is fine.  She is losing all her hair (pulling it out) & is constantly biting & cries to herself.  Any suggestions?


She has what is called mange mites. Your going to need to get her treated with either Ivermectin or Revolution (Selamectin). So seeing a exotic vet is needed as they can tell you the right dosage of either one for your Guinea Pig. With ivermectin your going to need to get her treated again in 7 to 10 days. With Revolution is works in only one treatment (in some cases). Your going to have to have your other one treated also, as it spreads and though there are no signs of your other one having it, it could just be dormant and just waiting to start up.  

You going to need to thoroughly clean their living quarters. Since some parasites can live for several days off the host many parasite eggs remain viable for a long time, cleaning and disinfecting the living area is extremely important.

         Take Care Now,  