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dying and birth of a guinea pig

21 14:33:42

how do you take care of a guinea pig or how do you know its dyingand does it pee because i really dont know about it im considering getting one so do you have to take it to the vet often?does it bit,scratch ,or cry im really new to this aniamal so i really dont know can you help me?

Hi Shelly,

The urine is not a big problem.  Just wash your hands after handling the bedding and guinea pig.  Mine have peed on me so many times I don't even react (or course I've been raising them a long time too).  If you are holding your piggie and it begins to back up put it back in its cage, it needs to urinate.  Guinea pigs don't carry desease the way some animals do.  You don't need to worry about a guinea pig making you sick.  It's a good idea to wash your hands after handling any animal, including dogs and cats.

If a guinea pig dies you should dispose of it through an animal rescue (like the SPCA), veterinarian, or your local animal control center.  In some places it is legal to bury a dead guinea pig in your yard, but not everywhere.  You would need to cover the grave with rocks or something so other animals don't dig it up.  Your parents can find out what is legal and what isn't, and I'm sure they will help you if this happens.  

Guinea pigs live from 3 to 5 years.  You need to think about this before you get one.  It is a long time - and I've had a few live over 8 years.  Will your parents help you take care of it?  I was even younger than you when I started raising guinea pigs, but my parents helped when I needed help - and reminded me when I needed to clean the cage and all.

A great way to learn about guinea pigs is by joining the 4-H cavy project.  4-H is no longer just an agriculture group and they have wonderful resources.  You can learn as you go and you'll always have someone who knows about guinea pigs to call if you get stuck.

I hope this helps some.  I know you are nervous (I was when I started, too), but if you need anything else you can contact me through this page.  
