Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > FUDGE OUR GUINEA PIG


21 13:43:31

On Friday we took fudge our guinea pig to the vets as an emergency. She was struggling to walk, had lost her appetite and wasn't herself and seemed to be breathing heavily. The vet gave her a checkover and said she had a chest infection.Fudge had a red eye that had some discharge and the vet said she had a little runny nose. She also had a crackle when listening. She was given medication and we were told to take her to our normal vets the next day. We did this and the vet found that all of fudges lymph nodes were up. She told us reasons for this but seemes concerned about lymphoma. The did a needle thread but it was inconclusive when it came back, so we have had a repeat needle thread done and should get results back later today. Fudge is very poorly. Her legs seemed paralysed and very off balance, especially the back ones. If is is lymphoma, would Fudge be struggling to walk or could it be something else? Other people who have had guinea pigs with lymphoma say they were still quite lively.

Lymphoma is a type of cancer and just as with humans doesn't always effect everyone the same at the same time.

You've spent a great deal of money for diagnosis. Most people would not have the resources to do that. Unfortunately combined with the lung issue it doesn't sound like Fudge has a good prognosis. Even without a respiratory issue this is something that would likely not be cureable.  

You have to consider the pain and struggle the poor little thing is suffering. With that in mind, you might want to make a decision about how much farther you're going to go.