Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > how to get my pig to drink

how to get my pig to drink

21 14:28:36

How do i get my precious Taco to go have a drink?
i gave it a water bottle but it doesn't touch it at all, i tried putting grass up the nossle and get it to pull it out making water come out but it just takes the grass and shakes off the water. I also tried pushing the bearing and getting water on my finger and then putting it next to it's mouth hoping it will drink some but it wont work.

Please tell me how to get Taco to drink i fear she might get dehydrated...

How old is Taco? Where did you get him?

He may not know how to use the bottle. Have you tried putting a water dish in his cage? Offering wet veggies daily helps. He may be getting enough water from that.

Otherwise, put his nose against the bottle and show him that is where the water is.

If you're worried about his water intake, you can carefully syringe him some water or pedialyte.