Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > newbe


21 14:12:10

QUESTION: I just got a baby guinea pig,  she's about 11 weeks old.  She is very calm and
doesn't run very much at all.  when I put her down she immediately runs to
one of us to cuddle.  She likes dark places like up my sisters pant leg.  Is this
normal?  We have lots of treats for her including a salt wheel. But she seems
to lick me and my mom all the time.  And one more thing,  she doesn't seem
to be eating allot.  I have the guinea pig food, timothy hay and little treats in
her cage.  She eats the timothy hay from my hand but doesn't seem to be
eating much else.  Thank you for all your help. I am a new owner.I Iove to
hold her and carry her with me, how much is to much

ANSWER: Hi Elizabeth

There's nothing you say that is not normal so there really is no cause to worry. Just make sure dry food and hay is available at all times and keep handling her regularly and she will develop normally i am sure.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What is better to feed an Baby Guinea Pig,  Timothy Hay or Alfa Hay?  What is the
best store bought food,  we don't have a feed store around here.Just a Pet land
and pet Supermarket.

Hi again

Most people think timothy hay should be used as a treat with standard meadow hay used normally.

I am in UK and the best brand here is Gertie Guinea Pig but as long as the food has a varied mixture of ingredients with added vitamins then it should be fine.
