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why does mother get sickness from 4 dead babies

21 14:08:18

Hi there. Nice to meet you.I am worried about my guinea pig name browny.browny had 4 dead babies and now she is sick and makes a new sound that doesn't sound right.I think it has a trouble of breathing.thanks if you can find out what is happening with browny

Hi Carrie,

I'm sorry for the loss of the four babies. You need to take Browny to the vets as soon as you can. If her babies were stillborn, it means there were complications in the pregnancy. You need to find out if Browny is okay, and make sure there are no more babies stuck inside her. That could be why she is having trouble breathing. The new sound will probably be because she is sad that her babies have died; try stroking her lots and offering her her favourite foods.

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Good luck!