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hey Matt I have a question...?

21 14:22:16

ok well I have 2 Guinea pig's one is very long when she wlaks and stretches out but when she is normal she looks chubby and fat and her back looks like well... u no how on cartoons how when cats get scared asnd the hiss and there back goes up high and rounded well thatswut she looks like but she looks really chubby is that normal or is she fat...or even pregnant...i know the sighns of pregnacey but she isn't at a dramastic point becuaseshe is only 4 months old and i have had her for 4 day's and also...I no im sorry for the long question and takin up ur time but also when my brother hold her(he is 16) she likes ihm but she nibbles on his arm is that ok? or should i be telling her NO becuase he says it doesn't hurt its just he feels her teeth and it's not liek a bite ,bite but its ya a nibble...and also both of them use there food dishes as...well...litterboxes now i have  to clean there food dishes everyday when i wake up...sorry once again for the long question but i jsut need t no...


Thank you for your question, and don't be sorry, it was not too long.  It's good that you asked.

I'm sorry that I cannot explain why she is stretching while walking, but I do have some concern about the "scared cat" look.  When a guinea pig is huddled and looks like her fur is puffed, it is usually a sign of illness.  She probably only looks chubby because of her fur, and once again it can be a sign of illness.  I would definitely consult a veterinarian and explain what she is doing and have her checked.  I doubt it is a sign of pregnancy, but don't be too sure that she is not pregnant.  A female guinea pig can get pregnant as early as a month of age, but it is extremely bad for them to be that young.  I strongly recommend consulting a veterinarian.  

I wouldn't say that it is okay for a guinea pig to nibble, but I also wouldn't be too worried about it.  You should try to stop the behavior, and you can do so by saying "no" and having your brother keep his arm away from her mouth.  As long as she isn't actually biting I would not worry, but you should try to stop the nibbling before it gets too far.

A lot of guinea pigs use their food bowls as "litter boxes", which of course is very annoying for the owners.  There isn't much you can do about this, unless you get a different type of food bowl.  Super Pet makes a "gravity bin feeder" which hangs on the side of the cage and only allows your guinea pigs to get their food out of a smaller opening.  They would not be able to sit in this, and that could solve your problem.

Hopefully I could be some assistance.