Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > my gini died

my gini died

21 14:22:43

he died out of no where... he had white stuff coming out of his eyes and wen he died he was kicking and screaming and laying on his side... do u no how he died?? he was on a balence diet he was fine 2 days ago

and wat should i do wit my other cavii... could he die from the other one dieing? should i get another cavii for company ... how would he act towards it?"

Hello Steffanie,

I can't tell you why he died. There are too many illnesses that can cause a piggy to die quickly and without an necropsy, there's no real way to know for sure. If what your piggy died from was contagious, yes, it could kill your other piggy too. A vet visit to make sure he is ok may be a good idea. Yes, a new cavy is a good idea because piggies are social animals and really need to have friends around. How he will act depends completely on your individual piggy. Get a young piggy and he will be more likely to accept him. I'm very sorry you lost your piggy. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. I'm going to send you a link so you can make a memorial for your piggy if you like. It may help you feel better.
