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Guinea Pig; Training

21 14:06:32

How do you train a guinea pig? What do you train them?

Hi Staci
Sorry about the slow response but i have been really busy with everything.
You train guinea pigs these things
But before i tell you what they are you need to no these things
guinea pigs are hard to train just like other rodents are
but with patience you can teach him tricks
Also remember that a hungry guinea pig can be taught much more eaisly that a non hungry one
Ok now here are the things that you can teach him
The Basics

Teaching him to come to you when you have food
To run in a circle

The other ones

To stand on a stool or block
to come to the call of his name
You can even teach them to race each other

Always remember to give your pig a treat when he does something right and a little pat
And this will take a long time but if you wanting to be patient then go for it

ALl the best and good luck with the training