Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Cannibals?


21 14:24:49

I have two male cavies that are different breeds but raised together since birth.  I have noticed that one of them is missing a piece of his ear! Could the other one be eating his ears?

Hello Tracey,

Guinea Pigs, unlike other rodents, aren't cannibalistic. Being herbivores, too much protein will kill them, so they really can't eat each other and survive. However, they do fight. You didn't mention their ages but sometimes as young males reach maturity, even those who previously got along will no longer be compatible and will have to be separated. Sometimes older boars who are friends will sometimes fight. It's just a hazard of living with someone. They are bound to get on each other's nerves sometimes. The other boar may have eaten the piece of ear (especially if it was small) or you may discover it when you clean the cage. I believe this to be the likely cause of your piggy's piece of ear missing. However, check the ears (both of them) over thoroughly. Severe fungal infections or mites can eat away at the ears. Make sure the skin (aside from the injury) looks healthy and that there isn't any flakiness or rashes. Keep an eye on your boys to make sure they are still getting along and this isn't part of a problem starting. Keep the injured boar's wound clean, flush it (douse it in a saline solution or salt water) a few times a day and it should heal without a problem. If it doesn't heal or gets infected he'll need to see a vet for treatment and to make sure there isn't something else going on. Good luck!
