Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Small flesh wound

Small flesh wound

21 14:12:48

One of our guinea pigs has developed a small flesh wound-- looks like it might be a bite from the other pig or perhaps from scratching (although I haven't seen her scratching alot)  There was a scab on it yesterday, but she appears to have knocked if off and it is bleeding a small amount, but looks like it will scab again.  The area does not appear to be causing her pain when I push on it-- it is on top of a fatty deposit.  She is also moving and eating normally.

Question is whether I should put some sort of dressing on it to protect it while it heals.  if so, what kind of dressings/ ointments would not be harmful to her.

Thanks in advance for your help!


You can put a mild antiseptic on the wound, the most common and the safest to use is Bactine. It is very mild and so is safe to use on small animals. As for a dressing, just a regular gauze bandage wrapped around the wound will work just fine.

I hope this helps,
 Take care,