Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Couple of Questions

Couple of Questions

21 14:27:54

Hi! Few questions. 1. Can i use regular nail clippers to cut my G.P.s would i know if    snickers has mated with a girl? 3. How can i get my piggy to like me?

You can use regular human toe nail clippers to clip your pig's nails, they are often easier to use depending on how thick the pig's nails are. It is hard to tell if guinea pigs have mated or not, other than to see them mate. If the female starts to eat and drink more and sit around longer during the day she might be pregnant, also if her belly starts to get round and solid. You can't tell at all if a male mated with a female, if the male wasn't trying to mount the female at all though you might want to check to make sure you have a male, usually males will try to mate with the females even if the female is not in heat (which happens every 15-17 days). If you need any more information on breeding let me know. The best way to get your piggy to like you is with lots of treats, slow movements, and talking to it in a low voice. Try handing it food at least 3 times a day like carrots, cucumber, green pepper, tomato, apple, Kale, Collard greens, and leaf or romaine lettuce to name a few. It usually takes time for a pig to warm up to a person, especially if it was never socialized before or if it was abused. Let me know if you have any more questions.