Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Guineau pig has odd glue like substance jutting out from neck

Guineau pig has odd glue like substance jutting out from neck

21 13:42:16

QUESTION: Hi, my little girls guineapig has a small glue like substance that is sticking out of its neck. Luke is 1 1/2 years old and always been healthy and does all the normal cute stuff. Today my little girl noticed a sort of clear/ calcium  thing jutting from his neck. Firstly we thought it was food stuck to him or sawdust but this was not the case. The substance feels rubbery, glue like. It looks a bit like a flaked almond jutting out of his neck. He isn't distressed and appears to be eating normally . When I first inspected Luke I thought he had a mutant tooth growing under his chin. Do you have any idea what this May be? He lives in an indoor cage with his friend Ron  and they generally get on well with only the occasional spat. Luke doesn't appear to be losing weight and doesn't have any nasal discharge or problems with his eyes. Their cage was cleaned 2 days ago and we don't remember seeing this object then. Hope I have given enough info xx kim

ANSWER: I have a suspicion what it might be.  It would be easier if you could attach a picture. Is this attached to the skin or just the hair?

If it's attached only to the hair the most likely thing is that it is, are you ready, semen from the other pig. Once dried it is much like cold glue from a hot glue gun. Since there is another boar in the cage it may well me just that. Young boars aren't too selective about their advances to their roommates. They're much like teenage boys and will pretty much try at anything that's in the cage, male or female.

Most often we find this on the backside of a sow who wasn't willing to cooperate, but I've seen boars that got overzealous and did this to their male cage mates.

It's just a hormonal reaction, and if the victim tried to get away the shot lands wherever it may. If this is actually attached to his skin it may be a sebaceous cyst that is trying to break. Typically these sebaceous cysts will pop up on the back rather than on the neck. They are simply plugged up oil glands that could not secrete the sebaceous material that helps keep the skin soft and supple.

It would be so much easier to actually tell if you could send a picture. It's not impossible that a tooth begins to grow inwardly and pops out of the chin area or even the throat. But they are hard like a tooth, not rubbery.  So please do your best to take a photo. Don't try to get the camera too close to the area or it comes out blurry. Then maybe we can identify this foreign substance.

The fact that he is eating and drinking normally would indicate that it's not a tooth run amuck.   

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Luke\'s thing
Luke's thing  
QUESTION: Hi here's a pic of Luke . His mouth is wet from us trying to wash off the thing.

I'm afraid that looks suspiciously like what I thought it might be, semen from his buddy. I once had someone ask me if guinea pigs could have homosexual tendencies. The answer is absolutely not. All animals are driven by hormones. I've had more than one occasions where I've had to remove this glue blob from another boar, and occasionally on a sow who's been introduced to a young boar who was inexperienced.

The only way to remove that blob is to cut it from the base of the hair. It sticks like glue, no pun intended. If you pull it the hair will come with it. It's pretty much cemented to it's landing place.