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Hair Problems

21 13:43:22

My guinea pig is short haired, but it stick out everywhere. I have noticed that it's going bald neat the butt and stomach. She always felt wet or greasy so I looked at her fur and where she has fur there seems to be dark dirt like stuff that is hard to get off.. Should I be worried?

its mange or a fungi infection, quite common, especially in res and abby's which is what your breed belongs to, just nip down the the local pet store and buy some mange spray or shampoo and apply as instructed, id also buy some ear drops for her and check to make sure none of the black dirt stuff is lurking in there, if it is then get her down to the vets as this can be potentially serious.

mange in itself is not serious but can become serious if it is left untreated, other than that though it is probbaly the most common illness that guinea pigs get and more pigs get it at least once in their life time than dont get it at all.
all the best