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bring my guinea pig back to health

21 13:46:05

I have a guinea pig who  gave birth to premature baby guinea pigs yesterday who only lived about 1 minute, and my female isn't the healthiest so I need to know what to feed her to bring her back to health. When she was pregnant I fed her alfalfa hay, should I continue to feed her alfalfa hay and pellets? And should I feed her extra veggies too? Thank you.

I'm sorry to hear of your experience but, nature is in charge not us! First of all, get your girl re-hydrated with plenty of fruits with high water content. Watermelon, grapes, orange slices, celery. spinach/other leafy greens, etc. Don't bother with iceberg lettuce as it has no real nutrient value. You can also purchase a vitamin supplement that goes right into the water. Do not force feed but make sure that food is available at all times. Alfalfa is great as it is full of nutrients but do try orchard grass. Apparently, it tastes and smells good and is easy to digest. I make a mash for my babies with pellets, bananas and spring water, but I always find my new mothers eating it. You can try that too. Keep any males away from your girl as they immediately come into season. That would be a double whammy.  I hope that this information helps you. Please let me know how she is doing.  Good Luck, Cindy