Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Dark orange urine-Guinea Pig

Dark orange urine-Guinea Pig

21 14:05:54

Hi, I have a male guinea pig for almost one year. I noticed that sometimes during the day his urine is dark orange and sometimes the normal color. I also noticed that he started to drink less water, is that a problem? Even when I offer that water in his mouth , he does not drink it. Thanks.

Hi Chris,

If his urine is a different colour it could mean alot of potential things, some being dangerous to the life of your piggy. The first thing I would do is take him to a vet and see if it is serious or not. It may be something he is eating or not eating that his making his urine that colour. My advice would be to take him to a vet ASAP. I hope this answers your question.
