Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > piggy not eating

piggy not eating

21 14:24:21

We were given our guinea pig about 8 months ago. She's recently gotten a bigger cage which gets cleaned completely out weekly. She is fed, watered daily and has chew sticks. She is talked to but not played with daily .About 3 days ago we noticed that she was not as verbal and is definately not eating as much and has lost weight. I did recently get a different brand of food. Her cage has been near a window, but it is closed when temp is too cold or too hot. She did seem interested in some fresh food earlier. Whats happening and should she go to the vet?

Hello Ms. Guinea,

Yes, she should see a vet soon. Piggies not eating is often a first sign of illness and the faster an illness is caught, the better the chance for recovery. It could also be the food change, could be stress, and if it's getting cooler where you are it could even be the weather, but better safe than sorry and I would certainly advise a vet visit to be sure.
