Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Nervous


21 14:10:03

Hey.Umm I've have two Guineapigs.Called Rocky and Rebel
And i let them out around my room every couple of days
But its a nightmare trying to catch them after.They always run away under my bed.
Also when i get them out,they run around for a bit and then run under my bed if they see or hear me.

I like to hold and cuddle them sometimes and there fine when there on my lap.But sometimes they quiver.I just want them to know that I'm not going to hurt them or anything.

Id love to know how to get my two piggies to love me and not be scared of me.


Hi Becca,
Try singing the same song to your guineas or talking to them so they can get used to the sound of your voice. To let them have a sniff of you while they are on your floor lie down and take no notice of them whatsoever, read a book or something. You will find your guineas sniffing, head-butting you and climbing all over. When you pick your guineas up show that you are not threat, let them sniff and see your hand before you pick them up because otherwise it just seems there is a "giant hand" picking them up. Block of the underneath of your bed so that catching is easier and then they will get used to open spaces, make sure you put a little corner for them to go though but not under your bed. When you hold them make sure that you feed them a little treat or groom them gently and talk softly so they get used to the sound of your touch. Try to hold and stroke your guineas once a day.
Best wishes