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syringe feeding a guinea pig

21 14:10:16

I have a 4 and a half year-old guinea pig called Honey, who has had a fungal infection for the past two weeks. I have been to the vet twice, and although her skin is healing, she is hardly eating at all. Do you know exactly what I can hand or syringe feed her with until she is feeling better and will eat normally again? I have offered all her favourites, plus grass, parsley etc. but she is only nibbling then turning away. She has also recently lost her cage mates so I suspect she is pining and this is adding to her "fed up" look.  What can I give her to keep her going until she is better?
Best wishes, Lesley

Hi Lesley

Some antibiotics affect appetite, specifically baytrill so this may explain it if thats what your vet gave honey.

Take a look at the link below for some details about syringe feeding.
