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Adopting our first piggie

21 14:47:33

We purchased our first hamster two years ago but had to have him put to sleep last week due to cancer.  We have one hamster now, but would like a pet that we can interact more with and that would live longer, which is why we are interested in guinea pigs.  My questions are:  how to select the best piggie for us, what we need (cage, food, etc.), and anything else you feel is important.  Thanks!


    You would be a great guinea pig owner. You have selected a great animal to love. Guinea pigs live for 7 years. They need Vitamin C. You can try giving you piggie an orange if he or she doesn't seem to like oranges you should be feeding him or her pellets. Pellets are very important in a guinea pig's diet. Hay should be givin to your piggie at least once a week. Here is a list of things you can feed your new piggie:

1. Green pepper

2. Carrots

3. Grapes

4. Apples

5. Lettus

6. Collard greens

7. Oranges

8. Special guinea pig mixes at your pet store

Guinea pigs seem to like crunchy types of veggies or fruits.
Here is some things that guinea pigs need:

1. Cage- To keep new piggie in.

2. Hay- For right Nutrition

3. Pine Woodchips- Used as bedding.

4. Newspaper- To line cage down with.

5. Water Bottle- To keep water in.

6. Ceramic Bowl- To put pellets in.

7. Pellets- For proper diet.

8. Nail Clippers- To clip nail every 3 weeks or when needed.

Selecting the perfect piggie for you: When selecting the perfect piggie you should make sure that the guinea pig doesn't bite or have a problem with squealing to much. It is very normal for a piggie to try to run away from you when you bend down to take him or her out of it's cage. I have three piggies and out of all of the only one squeals to much the other two are very calm and don't bite.

Every other day you should clean your piggies cage. Everyday you should give your pig fresh water and some sort of veggie or fruit. Your guinea pig should should have a bowl of pellets everyday. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me again for advice or if you have a problem with your new guinea pig. Thank you for e-mailing me!!! Good luck with your new guinea pig!

                                          Thanks again,