Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Wheezing and coughing

Wheezing and coughing

21 14:27:57

My piggy is 2 years old (skittles)and is the only pet in the house.  This morning I noticed that Skittles was laying in the corner of her house and when she is breathing its a vibrating sound (wheezing?) and she has been coughing a bit.  What should I do?

Hello Marilyn,

It sounds like Skittles has a URI (Upper Respiratory Infection). She needs to see the vet right away and be put on a course of antibiotics (most likely Baytril). URIs can quickly be deadly, so she should go as soon as you can get her there. With quick treatment, she has a good chance of survival. Good luck with Skittles. I hope she feels better soon.
