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fresh foods

21 14:15:35

Hi - I have a 5-6 month old Guinea Pig I got back in March.  I've been trying
to vary her fresh food diet but feel like I'm always feeding her the same things
over and over.  I live in the Chicago area and have access to produce markets
with fruits/veggies/greens that are pretty foreign.  I know that I should avoid
groups such as broccoli, etc.  Can she have foods like okra, eggplant, etc?  
contemplated foods such as chayote squash, bittermelon, bean  sprouts,
pads, etc but don't want to get her sick.  Any suggestions on feeding the

Hi Deanna

I am in uk so I tend to use quite standard fresh foods such as carrots, celery, cabbage etc. Brocolli is fine in small amounts.

Okra is certainly fine, in fact almost every green vegetable is fine. You can also try beansprouts but I dont know about cactus pads.

Sweetcorn (on the cob) is a good one also that provides fun in tearing the corns off for the pig.

As long as you provide 5-6 different things then your pig wont get bored of her diet.
