Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > High pitched squealing noises

High pitched squealing noises

21 14:06:34

Hi Matt
I just  got my 2 guinea pigs today. They are both females. (we are almost sure) I went to check up on them when I noticed they were making a high pitched squealing noise. Do you have any idea what that means? Is that a bad sign or good?

Well, depending on what kind of squeaking they were doing, it can mean two things..

It if it was a very loud, shriek type noise, then it wasn't a good noise.  One of the guinea pigs could have nipped another (which I wouldn't worry about, they have to establish dominance), or they could have been afraid, or nervous, etc.  

If it was more of a squeak than a shriek, then it isn't a bad thing at all.  This sound usually just means they want something.  They could have heard you fidgeting in the kitchen and wanted food.  A squeak is not bad at all, and you will hear a TON of them in the time you have your guinea pigs.

For recordings on these sounds, and more meanings behind them, I found a really great site for you...

Hope I could help.