Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > PLEASE HELP!!!!!


21 14:34:03

WOW that reply was realy quick i only sent it 1and a half hours ago!
the weather is on and off hot but what we do is half shade the hutch and give them cold tap water and plenty wet veggies they lie down alot in the heat and nap it is reli sweet is there any way of sending a picture?
Thank you again for the help (and speed of it too)
my rabbit runs around the garden and plays with my 2 year old cat they adore eachother!
My bunny is a female so it cant be spraying

Followup To

Question -
thank you i will see what i can get.
The rabbit and gp live outside so the wee thing des not matter but its just very sly. are guinea pigs allowed green beans?
because i heard they are not! thank you!

Hi Izzy!

My cats are scared of my rabbits (they are very big rabbits!).  It's really funny.  Female rabbits spray too.  It really doesn't matter since it's outside though.

Just keep some 2 liter coke bottles filled with water and frozen for if it gets over 80 degrees F.  She'll snuggle right up against it if she needs to.   I'm in California so it's always over 80 F in the summer!  Great for swimming, hard on the piggies (and sometimes the rabbits too).

You can send a picture to if you'd like.
