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guinea pig - roy and tina

21 14:25:50

Hi, it's me again!! Is spinach good as part of my piggy's diet? because i found out it causes some bad effects. And i am also doubtful about their living condition. There cage is situated in the garden (outdoors) and the tempertaure does not go below 8 degree Celsius in winter during the night(8 degrees is very rare). it is normally 14 degree celsius or more during the night. During the day it is ususally around 20 degrees in winter. Is this good enough for my piggies?The problem i think is because malta is very windy!!i don't think that wind does them any good so i made them a house where they can shelter.what is better a carton house or one made from wood? i also would like to know whether it is normal or not that there pee is white!! i read it should be milky white but i think my piggies's is more than milky white, it white!!

Thanks for your great help!! i hope i am not boring you but i really want the best for my piggies!! and keep up your good work!! i read all about it in your website!! it's great!!

Spinach is good for guinea pigs, lately in the US there has been some E. Coli in the spinach, but if yours is fine then it is ok to give to piggies. Spinach does have a lot of nutrients in it, also try Kale, collard green, green pepper and cucumber. Typically pigs do well between 60-75 degrees farenheit, I'm not sure what that is in celcius right now, but it should be easy to look up. Wind that is a different tempurature is bad, it leads to drafts which can cause upper respiratory infections. If you do still keep your pigs outdoors, it might be best to use a heat lamp during the winter months if it gets below 50 degrees F. The best thing to use for a shelter is plastic, guinea pigs will usually chew and urinate of any wood which will lead to erosion. It is normal for pigs to sometimes pee white, it is from the ammonia and acid crystals in their urine, although if you use a salt or mineral wheel you might want to take it out, it may be causeing more calcium deposits in the urine.