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v shy piggie

21 14:24:46


I recently bought a guinea pig for my 6 year old son, and we take care of him together.  Thing is that he is soooo super timid, hates to be out of his cage, poops and pees all over if we do.  He's been squeaking for no apparent reason.  Help we love and adore him and want to handle him but he doesn't seem to like us much!

 It can be hard to become friends with your guinea pig. If you're have a shy piggy, these are some helpful hints: when you walk in the room, sing calmly and softly. Guinea pigs can see in color, so you can make your piggy's home colorful (pastels, NO NEONS, sensitive eyes). Many piggies also like music, your piggy might be more calm if you find what kind (s)he and play it for him/her. Let me know how it goes, please. Happy Halloween!