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Wheezing piggy

21 13:48:07

Hi my pal sheriff stated wheezing this morning and it has been going off and on. He is eating normally and responding nomally. Then the wheezing got really bad he coughed and hasn't done wheezed again since but I am still really worried. Please help me. All I need to know really is if I need to take him to the vet.

well wheezing means it is most likly a respitory problem, this is quite a common question, the cause is most likly his bedding/accomodation, dusty sawdust and or hay and or a humid or dusty place where he lives. so if it is humid or dusty where he lives then id move his cage or hutch somewhere else. if you think it could be the bedding then here a little tip

1. shake the hay before he has it, this should get rid of all the dusty bits

2. place a thin layer of hay over the sawdust, this way when he scampers about he wont kick up the sawdust.

alternativly you can use a fleece as his bedding