Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > constipation


21 13:48:10

Hi! I think our guinea pig is constipated. She hasn't been for 2 days which she normally goes everyday. She eats celery, apple and we started giving her cos lettuce 2 days ago. We don't feed her pellets always fresh veges. I'm worried because one of our guinea pigs died few weeks ago and my children cried and cried for that. Please advise me or give me information about her condition. Thank you.

whow okay well they often become constipated after a change in diet so the lettuce might be the cause. I would advise getting if not pellets then at lest some guine pig food for them to eat. fresh veg is excellent though it is low nutrient staples such as hay and grass which should consist the bulk of their diet, excessive amounts of rich foods can be bad for them in the long term.watery and sugary foods like your celery and apples should also e more of a treat than a daily part of their diet. my own guinea pigs have a diet mostly of grass, i dont mow my lawn they do it for me, and now they do my mothers and girlfriends mothers too so if you want them to have a fresh food diet then i would recommend a similar set up bearing in mind they they still get pellets or dried guinea pig food for night time.
so my advice is switch her to pellets/dried food/grass or a combo, if her conditions does not improve after another day or two then i would take her to the vet.

best of luck