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proper age to breed a guinea pig

21 14:23:25

hello i have a himi teddy bear and a long hair guinea pig, some one told me that the best time to mate the female is 6 months, my female i got from a breeder and she was a year last April, from what i understand she had one littler i only one to mate her once, is she too old? i don't want anything to happen to her. thank you so very much for your time Karen

Before I answer your question, I need you to think if you SHOULD breed (not just if you can). Do you have the space for the babies, can you seperate the mother and father once she is pregnant, what if she has a  large litter, what will you do with the pups once they have come of age, can you hand feed the babies if the mother rejects them, alll of this should be thought about. If you think you SHOULD breed, it really depends on how long ago she was bred, ( if it was recently, she can be bred without worry ) if she bred longer ago, there could easily be complications. I'm very sorry about the long wait for reply.