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one dead/other bleeding

21 14:23:25

I came home yesterday and found one of my sons 2 guinea pigs dead. She would have been 2 this coming January. There was no blood or any signs of trouble, but they had not been drinking their water. The other (mother) is 2 1/2 and I have been checking on her constantly, cleaned her water bottle (she took a few drinks of the fresh water), but she has started bleeding from her vagina. I can't figure out what happened to C.C. or what is happening to Oreo. What could it be? And how could it have happened so suddenly? C.C. showed no signs of bleeding. I was gone all day so do not know exactly what happened. My son just found her lying there dead. She had not been dead for long and now the other one is bleeding. She has not eaten her veggies and normally she scarfs them down.  

It is hard to say exactly with out seeing them, but there are many things that could have killed them. Are you sure they were both girls? Bleeding from the vaginal area is usually due to problems with the uterus or babies inside in which she would stop eating and drinking and appear un-thrifty. Upper Respiratory infections and pneumonia can kill fast, also toxicity due to eating something poisonous can kill fast. The best thing to do would be take her to a vet, usually guinea pigs die with in 48 hours of not drinking and/or eating, so any problem involving those is serious.