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Im afraid my pig is going to die!

21 14:37:58

Hello, I am in need of an answer and soon. You see i have a 4 and a half year old female guinea pig named Jorgette she used to be the happiest, most playfullest guinea pig I've owned. She has a mate also a female the same age and bought from the same store when they were 6 months old. Latley she has not been drinking at all and when I give her lettuce or any treat she will try and nibble at it but does not eat it. I am really worried. All of a sudden after a "spazem" i think she might of had she does not move around that much anymore. She has crusty eyes and nose and can not make any sounds with her voice. I am afraid she is about to die and I dont want her to she means the world to me! Today she has beem peeing alot and pooping but not solid, very watery. She has gone to the vet and got a Vitamin C injection and Panmycin Aquadrops 20ML twice a day and the same amout of Nuti-Cal. She is also very skinny now and lays on her side alot. I fear the worst because her breath is shorter then usual and is not as responsive as usual. PLEASE help I dont know what to do she is my life and I dont want to lose her withouy knowing why. Please! Thank You

Hi Jessica.  The "spasm" she had could have caused any number of unforeseen problems.  I can't really help in that department.  However, you should have teeth looked at (if you haven't done so already).  Not just the set in front, but have the vet check the molars too.  If she can't eat she will have a hard time gaining weight.  Try chopping up the lettuce into small bites (maybe put some sugar on it).  Lettuce is of little nutritional value, but it is full of water which I image she isn't drinking much of either.  Try giving her some strawberry yogurt by syringe as well.  The bacteria in it will help her stool get a little harder as well as give her some more nutrients in addition to the nutrical.
I hope she makes it, but that "spasm" could have been caused by countless things and done who knows what to her body.