Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > looks like a scab on my guinie

looks like a scab on my guinie

21 14:21:47

he other day i looked at my Guinea and we found what looked like a scab
we kept looking and found more cuts or scabs
we don't want to go to the vet just incase it is not needed
please help me...
oh and is it normal for brother and sister to breed
and how many babies can one Guinea pig have

Hi Erin

You do need to go to the vet so he/she can determine if the problem is mites, parasites, or a fungal problem and give you the right medecine.

It is important that brothers and sisters do not breed as this can cause significant problems with the babies.

During a litter, a mother can have between 1-6 babies.
