Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Our Piggie is heaving/hiccupping and vomiting

Our Piggie is heaving/hiccupping and vomiting

21 14:05:48

I'm not sure what to do. Our Guinea Pig is heaving/hiccupping and has vomited twice today. He seems to be fine after each episode, and is breathing fine (not laboured). He will eat but while sometimes this is fine, sometimes it is prompting him to heave/hiccup (even once when he ate his own poo). We're very worried but at this time of the evening the vets aren't open... Any advice would be welcomed - should we even be worrying as some websites I have read suggest this is his way of clearing his airway...

Hi Lisa
guinea cannot vomit so hes not being sick.Also they do re-ingest some of their poo as it still contains vital nutrients that were missed the first time so please dont worry.
The heaving bit is indeed the animal trying to clear its airway and is nothing to worry about. I know it looks and sounds horrendous but he will be fine. Sounds like YOU'RE the one who needs a stiff drink after seeing all this carry on. xx