Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > can mu guinea have babies again?

can mu guinea have babies again?

21 14:13:44

one of my girl guinea pigs who is nearly 18 months had 4 still birth babies in november 2006, but kept one baby inside her as she knew she was healthy and gave birth to her in december 2006. but i was wondering if she is able to have any more babies or is there a higher risk of her to have still birth babies again?. she is currently living with her baby girl who is very tame. i have breed many guineas so i can deal with anything but i don't want to put my guinea through it again.

Sarah x

Hello Sarah,
since she lost so many babies the last time she gave birth, I personally wouldn't risk it. As you probably know with each pregnancy the risk of losing pups or the sow increases. Generally after the second birth it is not wise to breed them again and I'm not sure if that was the first time breeding her, but since she had 4 still births in one birthing I don't think I would want to breed her again. I wouldn't want to risk losing her or the pups.