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found cavy

21 14:40:51


My husband and I found a cavy on the side of the road.  It was across the street from a privately owned pet store.  I asked the pet store if they were missing one, but they insisted all of their animals were accounted for.  It took us 2 days to catch the cavy.  I spotted him on Saturday and we caught him tonignt.  He was running into a drainage pipe to avoid us, and we were finally able to block his escape route.  He is  a little scared, but he seems extremly gentle.  He has not attempted to bite us.  We went to PetSmart bought everything we could find for guinea pigs & bathed him.  He appears to be a baby.  He has a good appite and his coat looks healthy (no sores or bald spots etc).  What else would you suggest we do to care for this animal?  We held him for several hours tonight and listened to his little noises.  I can't believe someone ditched this little guy!  He is so cute and sweet.  

Amy - Give him lots of love and attention, aside from the bare essentials of course.  He's probably going to scared for a while of you, just due to his circumstances.  I'd make sure to give him lots of fresh dark veggies, spinach, kale, carrots, apples, etc.  Those will have more vitamins and I am willing to bet he is deficient in a few.  I would take extra care not to startle him, and just take your time with him.  No one knows how long he could have been out there.
GOOD LUCK!  Glad he has a home now!